To provide you with the best experience before, during, and after treatment, we use only the best methods and technology in modern medicine. This category gives you an overview of cancer types and the process of diagnosis and treatment.

Diagnosis of tumors in all phases is performed with the help of a magnetic resonance device Siemens Magnet RT Pro edition Skyra 3T, which is specially adapted for oncology.
The Siemens SOMATOM Definition Edge ultra-low-dose, high-speed 384-layer computed tomography device and the Siemens Acuson S3000 ultrasound are also used in the diagnostics.
The combination of these three devices enables the most modern diagnostic procedures such as the so-called. 3D fusion topography. All devices are equipped with a special navigation system for stereotactic navigation and tissue sampling for PHD analysis.
The device for magnetic resonance imaging (MR 3T) of the specialized Radiochirurgia Zagreb hospital provides the possibility of a top way of monitoring the course of the disease and the effect of chemotherapy with the use of the latest technology, the so-called Diffusion-Weighted Imaging which significantly affects the quality and results of treatment.